I don’t look like your average killer
My tight dress, bright lips, high heels, and wild hair
Are all designed to distract you.
Because while you're dreaming about what this dress looks like on your bedroom floor,
I’m planning the best ways to dispose of your body.
With dirt on my hands and blood on my shoes... ,
I do my job without a single ounce of regret.
You can judge me all you want,
But back before the penthouse and the designer shoes
I was just another forgotten girl on the streets, running from demons.
I went from unprotected to untouchable, from angel to monster;
The forgotten girl who came from nothing became the woman who built an empire.
This city is mine, I dare you to try and take it from me.
Just be prepared to lose, because I will ruin you.
And my twisted little black heart will revel in your downfall.
Trigger warning: Ricochet is a M/F/M romance. It deals with subjects that some readers might find upsetting such as sexual abuse and violence.
Due to its graphic nature and my leading lady’s trigger finger, this book is only suitable for people over the age of 18.
Still with me? Well, buckle up, buttercup, leave your morals and your panties at the door and hold on tight. This ride is about to get bumpy.read more
BIOGRAPHY Candice Wright is the international bestselling author of the Underestimated Series. Hailing from the sunny (sometimes) UK, Candice lives with her three slightly unhinged children and her long-suffering partner. When she isn’t busy raising the next generation of crazy, you can find her sitting at the computer writing... words she hopes will resonate or snuggled up reading stories by the authors that cultivated her love of the written word.read more