by Lyndi KaePublish: Oct 28, 2020Advice & How ToCooking
Book Overview
EASY KETO DESSERTS, Decadent Desserts by Lyndi KaeThese mouthwatering, simple recipes will keep your sweet tooth happy. They’re so deliciously decadent you’ll wonder why you didn’t go Keto sooner.
SuspenseMysteryContemporary RomanceHistorical RomanceRomantic SuspenseRomanceWestern RomanceHistorical FictionWomen's FictionLiterary FictionTeen & Young AdultChildren'sAdvice & How ToCookingmore»
BIOGRAPHY Multi-Award-Winning author of contemporary and historical romantic mysteries, suspense, middle grade/early reader, children's picture books and self-help. I live with Hunky Hubby, the hero of my life, on a small KY horse farm. Together we enjoy a lot of wacky critters. I’m addicted to writing and reading. Let's become lifelong friends. Join my VIP group at and get a FREE eBook.
Lynda Rees, The Murder Guru
Love is a dangerous mystery. Enjoy the ride! (c)