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by Viktor LekovPublish: Jul 16, 2020Historical Mystery Thriller Suspense Supernatural Suspense Action & Adventure Literary Fiction Humor Science Fiction

Book Overview

A fast-paced adventure across four continents (and two universes), aiming to answer a lot of questions.
What would an ordinary man do if he suddenly gains the ultimate knowledge? Will he use it for his own benefit or the common good?
Are we alone in the universe? And is the universe alone? Who made it?
Is there a g... rain of truth in conspiracy theories? Who hushed up a number of inventions and why?
Does the power of thought know any limits?
Questions. Always more than the answers.
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standalone complete series

Crime Fiction Thriller Suspense Supernatural Suspense Action & Adventure Historical Fiction Literary Fiction Christian Fiction Humor Science Fiction Horror History General Nonfiction more»

My name is Viktor Lekov. I'm from Bulgaria. My career so far has nothing to do with writing. Lifeguard, scuba diver, soldier, dental technician, design & prepress in advertising agency, graduated in economics, store manager and traveler.

Viktor Lekov Viktor Lekov 3 years ago
Grigor Gatchev (Bulgarian writer and translator from English. Translations of Isaac Asimov, William Gibson, Harry Harrison...):
"I definitely liked the book. It keeps me curious and tense to the end.
As a storytelling - very good! There's always suspense, it's always good dosed and varied enough not to get bored. This is a quality
which not all writers, even among the good ones, master. It's your strength and proves that it is worth continuing to write."
Book Detail
Title ENIA
Author Viktor Lekov
Publish Date 16, Jul 2020
Language English
Page Count 307