Shaded dreams and hazy days: the frayed journeys of a psychotic mind
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Shaded dreams and hazy days: the frayed journeys of a psychotic mind

by Hamza MatarPublish: Sep 29, 2013Poetry

Book Overview

Shaded dreams and hazy days: the frayed journeys of a psychotic mind2013My first published book: Psychosis! The inability to mentally tell the difference between fantasy and reality; being unaware of time, space, and events around me as we define them in our daily routine, our way of living in this world. Nevertheless, putting... these hallucinations to a good use and transforming them into a work of Art, was the true cure. To rid myself of this heavy heart, I had to bleed my feelings unto paper. the struggle continues... read more
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Hamza matar
Palestine - Belize4 Books

I identify as a Poet!

Hamza Matar created his own realm of fantasy, and sought solitude for a while after he suffered the trauma of loss and the consequences of psychological problems that lead to the diagnosis of PSYCHOSIS, he started writing enchanting and mysterious POETRY as a remedy of his constant visu... al and audio hallucinations. Fourteen years and the struggle continues.

During college years, he was able to self publish two books of poetry collections. And more to come as he strives to be a multiple genre author.

Eventually, He could finally find peace, quit the drug addiction, Thirteen years later. He's enjoying his sanity again away from the antipsychotic medication, with a fresh start, and high hopes, that he might set an example for drug addicts and in mental health awareness through his writing about his experiment with the long road towards full recovery.

For psychiatrists and professionals in the field of psychology, Analyze this.
For those who suffered the same, I'm sure you can relate to my anguish through and in-between the lines of my poetry.

Check out my two published poetry collection, and don't forget to share your thoughts and constructive reviews.

Thank you

Hamza Matar
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Book Detail
Title Shaded dreams and hazy days: the frayed journeys of a psychotic mind
Author Hamza Matar
Publish Date 29, Sep 2013
Language English
Page Count 137