Lindsey-Anne Pontes 3 years ago Firstly, congratulations, Telma, on completing another book! I am very proud of you ‘Sensei’!
Unlike the true story behind The Angolan Girl, this story was fresh, something I knew little to nothing about going in. Right from the start, we find out that young Adam has died, but carries on as a spirit throughout the story to watch over his broken family.
At first, Clariah seems like a ‘Debbie Downer,’ as she’s always down on herself and shows signs of depression. But, already having knowledge that her youngest child has died, I found myself easily able to put myself in her shoes, without having children of my own.
Being a person who loves tragedies, when I found out how Adam died, I was hooked into the story even more than before. I also loved the stories from the past of how Clariah and John met and came together.
The ending though, left me wanting more! I wanted more of Clariah and John reuniting! I wanted one of them to confess all over again! I wanted John to invite Clariah to stay in the new cottage he built for her! I wanted more looks into the future! At last, that’s what made it such a good book - I fell in love with the characters. Honestly, I could easily see this book being turned into a movie. It had all the qualities of a good movie adaptation: romance, drama, relationship issues, family problems, death, deep connecting emotions, look into the future, etc.!
Well done, Telma!