Mulch: The First Thrilling Novella from Maniacal Books
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Mulch: The First Thrilling Novella from Maniacal Books

by Alex MacThriller Science Fiction Horror

Book Overview

Strange happenings are a foot in the woods surrounding a dark and isolated farm located in the heart of St. Mary's County Maryland. With a farmer and his family battling a terrifying new threat, can they endure and protect the farm that is their very livelihood with their lives or even their sanity intact? Venture through this... dark inaugural short story from Maniacal Books© to find out! read more
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standalone complete series

Alex Mac
United States1 Book
Supernatural Suspense African American Interest Science Fiction Fantasy Horror

An avid reader and lover of all thinks nerdy. He started publishing stories through his own publishing brand Maniacal Books during the Covid-19 pandemic. Incorporating his love of Horror and fantasy with realities of Africa American life in modern times he adds a much needed voice to the sci/fi fantasy genres.
... Other than writing Alex is a fulltime father of two and I.T. Hardware Technician with a life long video game and comic book habit.

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Book Detail
Title Mulch: The First Thrilling Novella from Maniacal Books
Author Alex Mac
Publisher Mac's Books Publishing
Page Count 122
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