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by Carson MasckenziePublish: Mar 30, 2021Series: Black Hawk MCContemporary Romance Romantic Suspense New Adult Romance Erotic Romance

Book Overview

Max “Flirt” Browning has watched a group of men he considers more than club brothers take the plunge into family life. As the last man standing, he’s not opposed to following them—he’s just never found the right woman. At least not before Brie walked into his life.

With her, he could see a future. Getting her to se... e that he was interested in more than a couple of sexual encounters a month could cost every ounce of control Flirt possessed. The control he needed as much as the air he breathes. For her—he’d do whatever it took.

Gabriella “Brie” Agassi has had to manage every aspect of her life, from raising a daughter to building a pediatric practice. With not much free time to pursue a relationship—and considering when she tried, it had been one disastrous date after another—she takes matters into her own hands and visits Whispering Nights.

At the club, she’d find a take-charge man to whom she could relinquish total sexual control for an hour or two. Giving her the break needed from her responsibilities to bring balance back into her life. Balance she hasn’t had since her fiancé died.

Meeting Max Browning, Brie wondered how much her need for balance was going to cost her. And if she’d be willing or able to pay the price.
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Black Hawk MC complete series

Crusher (Black Hawk MC  Book 2)
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Crusher (Black Hawk MC Book 2)by Carson MackenziePublish: Apr 05, 2018Series: Black Hawk MCContemporary Romance Romance
Devil (Black Hawk MC Book 3)
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Devil (Black Hawk MC Book 3)by Carson MackenziePublish: Apr 05, 2018Series: Black Hawk MCContemporary Romance Romance Erotic Romance
Ghost (Black Hawk MC Book 4)
$3.99 kindleeBook,
Ghost (Black Hawk MC Book 4)by Carson MackenziePublish: Apr 05, 2018Series: Black Hawk MCContemporary Romance Romance Erotic Romance
Speed (Black Hawk MC Book 1)
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Speed (Black Hawk MC Book 1)by Carson MackenziePublish: Apr 05, 2018Series: Black Hawk MCContemporary Romance Romance Erotic Romance
Jag (Black Hawk MC Book 5)
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Jag (Black Hawk MC Book 5)by Carson MackenziePublish: Nov 15, 2018Series: Black Hawk MCContemporary Romance Romantic Suspense Romance Erotic Romance
Coast (Black Hawk MC Book 6)
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Coast (Black Hawk MC Book 6)by Carson MackenziePublish: Dec 31, 2019Series: Black Hawk MCContemporary Romance Romantic Suspense New Adult Romance Romance
$3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Flirtby Carson MasckenziePublish: Mar 30, 2021Series: Black Hawk MCContemporary Romance Romantic Suspense New Adult Romance Erotic Romance
Contemporary Romance Romantic Suspense Romance Erotic Romance Women's Fiction

Carson Mackenzie enjoys writing romance with a real feel inside the stories. She writes with the belief not every man is a jerk and not every woman needs saving.

Carson lives in the South with her son, a Great Dane and two adopted shelter dogs that keep the household in line. Books have always been a part of... her life. There is nothing better to her than curling up and relaxing with a good story and losing herself in someone else’s world for a few hours.

Writing stories and growing as an author with each book is her goal. She wants to reach the level where a reader knows when they see her name on a cover, they can trust in the fact there will be a good story as they flip through the pages.

Carson’s journey into writing has only been for a few years. As she’s finally starting to settle in, she can’t believe she waited so long to start.
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Carson Mackenzie other Books

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Coming Home (Naitok Valley Book 1)by Carson MackenziePublish: May 06, 2024Series: Naitok ValleyParanormal Romance
Tinsel & Chrome: Merciless Few MC Charity Anthology
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Tinsel & Chrome: Merciless Few MC Charity Anthologyby Carson MackenziePublish: Jul 25, 2025 Contemporary Romance Romantic Suspense Romance
Desert Phoenix Rising (Desert Phoenix MC)
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Desert Phoenix Rising (Desert Phoenix MC)by Carson MackenziePublish: Dec 07, 2021Series: Desert Phoenix MCContemporary Romance New Adult Romance Romance
Coast (Black Hawk MC Book 6)
$3.99 kindleeBook, Paperback,
Coast (Black Hawk MC Book 6)by Carson MackenziePublish: Dec 31, 2019Series: Black Hawk MCContemporary Romance Romantic Suspense New Adult Romance Romance
Book Detail
Title Flirt
Series Black Hawk MC
Author Carson Masckenzie
Publish Date 30, Mar 2021
Language English