In this horror-driven story, after the glamorous wedding of Chloe and Luke, a young black American couple. They decide to spend their honeymoon in Africa, in order to experience the extreme rural African setting they journey to a Nigerian village where myths and traditions prevailed as a way of life. However, terror begins when the village priest says Chloe’s life has been sought by the gods of the land. The terrestrial demons and mediators of this land will do all it takes to have her sacrificed. The young couple are lost and cut away from the world, time is running out and so is the determination left to stay alive.
BIOGRAPHY Balogun Iyanu is a young Nigerian poet, a web designer, human rights ambassador and an internationally acclaimed writer who presides as the founder and executive head of The League of POETS. Balogun believes that poetry can change the world, and he uses it to inspire and empower new poets in his online writing community. Balogun Iyanu is also the publisher and editor of SOPWBAOCP 20, the world's biggest poetry anthology of contemporary poetry. Balogun Iyanu lives in Lagos with his family.
Literary Awards:
A Winner of India's Voice Review Certificate, India, 2018.
BPPW Shortlisted Poet, Ethiopia, 2019.
Gold International Literary Award, Syria, 2021.
WYEC Finalist, Germany, 2018.
WEWU Literary Award, India, 2019.
Empire Gobal Contribution for The Growth of Art And Literature, Nigeria, 2020.
Top Critical Mass Builder Global Merit Certificate, India, 2019.
Distinguished Poet Award, Ghana, 2019.
Platinum Medal Poet Laureate Award,
Bhutan, 2020.
Inked With Magic Certificate of Silver Awards, Nigeria, 2020.
Poetry City Influencer Award, Nigeria, 2019.
Poetas Unidos Diploma Award, Peru, 2019