Animal Spaceship to Mars
by David Pan BrownPublish: May 17, 2021Children's Book Overview
A little boy finds he can journey to Mars by drawing his own spaceship, in this heartfelt, conscious, positive picture book for little children. On Mars he visits a space station where he meets astronauts from Earth as well as 'aliens' from other planets. In meeting the Extra Terrestrials they realize with delight that on Mars, they are all aliens! The Extra Terrestrials present the boy with a new friend - a Stepglonibblyomwisealgoodlovehumananimalhumorouscuddlyjoy - an alien dog he calls Rex. After his Martian adventure, our little boy returns to his bedroom, having been tucked in by the ship's A.I. computer. Thus, 'Animal Spaceship to Mars' also serves as a super-fun bedtime story.'Animal Spaceship to Mars' has a life-affirming quality about it, and a universality that can uplift the spirits of little lights everywhere. The core theme of the book is also strong: the power of creativity and the imagination! The little boy is able to travel to Mars by drawing a spaceship, taking many different animals along with him for the ride. The child-inspired, colorful artwork - largely drawn in crayon - is sure in turn, to inspire and empower the children themselves to create and share their imaginings.Within the lifetime of today's children a space station will indeed be built on Mars and so, for the first time in our history, Mars is truly within reach. Today's little children may therefore reasonably expect/imagine themselves one day to travel to Mars! This makes 'Animal Spaceship to Mars' a relevant story to tell now. For outer Space is once again becoming the next true frontier to nurture the ever-lit flame of a small child's sense of wonder and excitement about Life.