Both Are True
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Both Are True

by Reyna Marder GentinPublish: Oct 05, 2021Women's Fiction
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standalone complete series

Thriller Women's Fiction Teen & Young Adult

After graduating from Yale College and Yale Law School, Reyna Marder Gentin practiced as a juvenile rights attorney with the Legal Aid Society and then as a criminal appellate attorney with a nonprofit public defender's office for nearly eighteen years. That job, and a number of the clients she represented, inspired the story of UNREASONABLE DOUBTS. The novel is more than a legal thriller. It's the story of Liana Cohen, a young woman grappling to salvage her idealism in an often harsh world, and learning how to find friendship, faith, and love in the right places.

Reyna keeps a hand in the law as a volunteer, representing women and men seeking restraining orders against their intimate partners. She has written and continues to write personal essays for a number of websites including Kveller, Mamalode, Grown & Flown and others. Reyna's short story, "A Reckoning," was published in the 2017 issue of the Westchester Review, and her psychological thriller, "Complicity," appears online at The Write Launch. You can find links to all her pieces at

Reyna lives with her family in Westchester, New York.

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Book Detail
Title Both Are True
Author Reyna Marder Gentin
ASIN 1952439108
Publish Date 05, Oct 2021
Publisher Moonshine Cove
Language English
Page Count 248