Uncomfortable Conversations
by Dylan WatsonPublish: Aug 06, 2021Teen & Young Adult Biographies & Memoirs History General Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality Business Book Overview
We have to discuss these difficult and uncomfortable conversations to guarantee our future will be better than ever. Before we are able to come up with a plan for change, we must discuss these conversations to be prepared for when it's time to begin the plan that will change everything. These conversations are needed because they are the roots beneath all of this pain and confusion that's going on. From issues that are separating us to policies that are enabling gun violence and hate crimes. These conversations we will make sure we're all on the same page. We need to guarantee that our future and the future of our kids and grandkids will be better than we ever imagined. These conversations will also help us, no matter what ethnicity, get on the same page so we can start moving at the same speed. This information will open eyes and hearts to the realization that most people fail to notice. This manuscript is more than simple casual conversations or opinions. This manuscript is the gateway, the introduction, to a real plan that will really change our lives for the better.