Cream 'N My Coffee
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Cream 'N My Coffee

by Shardy CammackRomance
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standalone complete series

Paranormal Romance Romance Erotic Romance

Shardy Cammack was raised in a military family in New Bern, NC and was surrounded by a strong loving family and friends. She has two beautiful adult children, a sweet daughter in law and a grandbaby who she absolutely adores.
During her 30 years of marriage to a US Marine, she traveled the world and settled in Stafford, Virginia. She has over 25 years of supporting Marines and their families and would not trade one single moment.
In Shardy’s spare time if that’s a thing, she enjoys immersing herself into a variety of romance novels. When she is not reading, she’s writing or enjoying quiet or not so quiet moments with friends and family.
She lives bold and she will always stand in her truth.

Book Detail
Title Cream 'N My Coffee
Author Shardy Cammack
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