China Invades Taiwan (The Russian Agents Book 6)
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China Invades Taiwan (The Russian Agents Book 6)

by Ted HalsteadPublish: Nov 19, 2021Series: The Russian AgentsThriller

Book Overview

After China launches its attack on Taiwan, America will respond. But how far will the US go to keep Taiwan out of Beijing’s control?
America will have to use its bases in Japan. Will Japan be ready for involvement in combat for the first time since WWII?
Russia wants to make money selling equipment, weapons and fuel ... to the Chinese war machine. But if China wins in Taiwan, will it stop there? Or will it begin to eye the over 4,000 kilometer long border it shares with Russia?
China’s invasion of Taiwan might also fail because of the Americans. Will China then quietly accept defeat? Or will it use its nuclear weapons to punish the US for intervening?
If nuclear war does break out between the US and China, will Russia be able to stay on the sidelines?
This time, even Russia’s most capable agents might not be able to save their country from disaster.
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The Russian Agents complete series

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China Invades Taiwan (The Russian Agents Book 6)
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Ted Halstead served twenty-five years in the State Department as a Foreign Service Officer, most of it overseas, and was promoted to the Senior Foreign Service after his second tour at US Embassy Riyadh. His tours included four years at US Embassy Seoul, and two years at the East Asia Pacific Bureau in DC. He is a Na... tional War College graduate, and served for three years at a regional US military headquarters. read more

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Book Detail
Title China Invades Taiwan (The Russian Agents Book 6)
Series The Russian Agents
Author Ted Halstead
Publish Date 19, Nov 2021
Language English