The Mark
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The Mark

by Anthony LaveryPublish: Aug 16, 2021
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Am relatively new author that is trying to design books that make people think outside the box. I initially wrote my books to inspire unification. And write fictional tales that show how strong a unified race can be.

You might look at my work and consider the mathematical, psychological principles within my work at low standard. But what you need to understand is am a man who only had half a brain and used to have the IQ of child, until I trained damaged parts of my brain.

My punctuation may not be the best. And I may be new to this game but with a little love, support and guidance you could potentially help me accomplish my dreams.

Mr Anthony S Lavery Mr Anthony S Lavery 3 years ago
I enjoyed writing this novel. I designed this novel as way of unification. Simply trying remove the divides that separate us. And this fictional tales shows the possibilities are endless by simply working together for the greater good.
Book Detail
Title The Mark
Author Anthony Lavery
Publish Date 16, Aug 2021
Language English
Page Count 190