Girl, You Deserve More: How to Break His Spell over You, Escape Your Toxic Partner, and Become Independent (Heal & Become Your Best Self)
by Christy PiperPublish: Sep 12, 2021Series: Heal & Become Your Best SelfAdvice & How To General Nonfiction Book Overview
Are you tired of your partner’s manipulation and games? Have you realized he is not the person you thought he was when you first met?
Does he have a Jekyll and Hyde personality-- sweet one minute but scares you the next? Are you tired of the push pull dynamic and his empty promises of change?Has your husband or boyfriend cheated on you, insulted you for no reason, or repeatedly betrays your trust? Does he gaslight you and make you feel crazy? Do you catch him in lies? Does he treat you disrespectfully without considering your feelings? Does he take no accountability for his own actions, yet enforce a different set of rules for you?Has your self esteem plummeted and is your self worth and self confidence at an all time low? Do your well meaning friends all try to warn you about the jerk you live with? Do they tell you to get divorced, or never to marry him?Do you feel emotionally addicted to him, but logically know he is bad for you and harmful for your mental health?If you live with someone who has narcissistic personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, bipolar, anxiety, depression, PTSD, or trauma, you may realize the relationship is harder than you thought. Maybe he’s even suggested he has autism or Aspergers, but doesn’t try to improve his communication with you and isn’t considerate of your feelings. He may show major signs of any of these disorders, yet he refuses to go to therapy or counseling. He will not seek help to change. He doesn’t seem to care about your happiness. You can’t help but wonder if it’s time to leave.Ready to leave your partner, but feel financially and emotionally trapped?Want to move out, but afraid to do it on your own? Get guidance from someone who’s done it. This step by step book will help you prepare your escape.This book is for you if you have limited resources, aren’t sure where to turn, and it’s important that your plans stay secret.You are not alone. In this book, you’ll learn how to:Find the hidden resources available.Mentally prepare to leave.Plan and take action.Start moving your stuff out.Behave when leaving.Conceal your plans.It's not too late. Read this book. Start your new life now.