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by Miras DaliyaPublish: Jul 19, 2021Poetry
    • Miras Daliya Miras Daliya 3 years ago
    • As a book, Hiraeth deals with darkness in general and in specific. Darkness is an important topic to be talked about and expressed because it does exists and the sooner we learn to accept, the sooner we can control it.
      Putting the book in the form of poetry, I ended up talking more about darkness and pain which from my point of view is reality. It’s important to remember that we are all scarred, wounded and dark in some way. Hiraeth puts in an effort to make you feel like your not alone.
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Miras Daliya
United States4 Books
Crime Fiction Thriller Suspense Poetry Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality

Riding motorcycles, midnight walks, stargazing, sunrise and sunset watching, as well as hiking with dogs are all just a little bit of what I do to get myself writing and stay away from crowds. They also help me in just enjoying life.
Time spent alone can never go to waste.Just make sure it's productive. I live in a productive reality. Spiritually, emotionally, mentally, physically, socially, financially what I do must be productive. EVERYDAY! I refuse to be lazy and conform to laziness even on special occasions and holidays.
I love working harder in the last week of the year when nobody even bothers. I love being thankful every day of the year other than Thanksgiving day. I choose to spend time and speak with people that are like minded or have high aspirations. I love people that are driven and don't conform to weakness as well as sensitivity.

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Book Detail
Title Hiraeth
Author Miras Daliya
Publish Date 19, Jul 2021
Publisher Self Published with Amazon
Language English
Page Count 106