A New Day Dawns: My Solo Journey Into West Africa (Travels With Terry Book 2)
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A New Day Dawns: My Solo Journey Into West Africa (Travels With Terry Book 2)

by Terry ListerPublish: Oct 28, 2021Series: Travels with TerryAction & Adventure General Nonfiction

Book Overview

He’s Back!In his first book, Immersed in West Africa, Terry Lister took readers on a harrowing West African adventure in Senegal, Mauritania, the Gambia, Guinea and Guinea Bissau. In A New Day Dawns, the second installment of the Travels With Terry Series, he takes us to the edge as he ventures into Si... erra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast and Ghana.This highly anticipated release is both amusing and historical, as Terry guides curious explorers beyond the tourist traps and pushes the proverbial and literal boundaries in search of adventure. Old and new experiences collide to create the perfect maelstrom of confidence and trepidation as he navigates the African coast. From pristine beaches and hectic markets to dense forests and ancient castles, Terry delivers an unforgettable adventure that is guaranteed to spark a soul-stirring experience for his readers.If you are ready, let’s step into this adventure – again! read more
    • Terry Lister Terry Lister 2 years ago
    • I loved travelling through these four countries. Which countries have you travelled through on your own and had tremendous experiences in? What made your trip so special?
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Travels with Terry complete series

A New Day Dawns: My Solo Journey Into West Africa (Travels With Terry Book 2)
(1) (5) $3.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
A New Day Dawns: My Solo Journey Into West Africa (Travels With Terry Book 2)by Terry ListerPublish: Oct 28, 2021Series: Travels with TerryAction & Adventure General Nonfiction
$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Let's Go to Gabon, Cameroon, and Namibia (Travels With Terry Book 3)by Terry ListerPublish: Jul 15, 2023Series: Travels with TerryAction & Adventure General Nonfiction
Action & Adventure Biographies & Memoirs General Nonfiction Christian Nonfiction

I am a retired solo traveller. Beginning in 2014 l travelled in eight week cycles through Central and South America. However, in October 2017 l moved across the Ocean and started travels in Africa. My first book,Immersed in West Africa, is my story of eight weeks spent off the grid in areas where few tourists venture... to go and even fewer go solo! Follow me daily on my travel Facebook page @travelswithTerryLister. read more

Terry Lister other Books

$2.99 kindle Free with KUeBook,
Let's Go to Gabon, Cameroon, and Namibia (Travels With Terry Book 3)by Terry ListerPublish: Jul 15, 2023Series: Travels with TerryAction & Adventure General Nonfiction
Peace, Joy and Love: Christmas in Africa
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Peace, Joy and Love: Christmas in Africaby Terry ListerPublish: Oct 15, 2022General Nonfiction Christian Nonfiction Religion & Spirituality
The Gambia: The Smiling Coast
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The Gambia: The Smiling Coastby Terry ListerPublish: Aug 29, 2022Action & Adventure General Nonfiction
Immersed in West Africa: My Solo Journey Across Senegal, Mauritania, The Gambia, Guinea and Guinea Bissau (Kindle) (Travels With Terry Book 1)
(1) $4.99 kindle Free with KUeBook, Paperback,

Book Awards and Achievements

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    A New Day Dawns: My Solo Journey Into West Africa (Travels With Terry Book 2)

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    A New Day Dawns: My Solo Journey Into West Africa (Travels With Terry Book 2)

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    A New Day Dawns: My Solo Journey Into West Africa (Travels With Terry Book 2)

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    A New Day Dawns: My Solo Journey Into West Africa (Travels With Terry Book 2)

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    A New Day Dawns: My Solo Journey Into West Africa (Travels With Terry Book 2)

  • Book Excellence Award Travel: Finalist

    A New Day Dawns: My Solo Journey Into West Africa (Travels With Terry Book 2)

  • Global eBook Award

    A New Day Dawns: My Solo Journey Into West Africa (Travels With Terry Book 2)

  • Reader Favorite International Book Awards Non-fiction: Winner

    A New Day Dawns: My Solo Journey Into West Africa (Travels With Terry Book 2)

  • Paris Book Festival Travel: Winner

    A New Day Dawns: My Solo Journey Into West Africa (Travels With Terry Book 2)

  • IAN Book of the Year Awards: Outstanding Travel Category: Winner

    A New Day Dawns: My Solo Journey Into West Africa (Travels With Terry Book 2)

  • National Indie Excellence Awards Finalist

    A New Day Dawns: My Solo Journey Into West Africa (Travels With Terry Book 2)

Barbara Bean Barbara Bean 3 years ago
Barbara Bean
5.0 out of 5 stars Exciting, adventurous but need luxury (HaHa)
Reviewed in the United States on November 14, 2021
Well, once again, Terry has written an incredible adventure to Africa. I started to scan through the book on a Sunday afternoon to relax however was not able to put the book down. I finished the book that same afternoon. I enjoyed the short history lessons of each place and he gave you just enough to whet your appetite to want to read on and see what the next place had to offer. Seeing the pictures gave you a better sense of the places he travelled. NOW some of his forms of transportation let a lot to be desired, I know that I would have wanted to travel as he did especially sitting around all day, not sure when you were going to leave and having too many people squeeze in that little car and my luggage on the top.
Terry once again you have made me excited about travelling to Africa and hopefully will get there someday. Until then I will wait for your next amazing adventure to Africa. A New Day Dawns is worth reading.
Louise Payne Louise Payne 3 years ago
When I was in high school, there was a teacher whose teaching style allowed me to really appreciate History and another teacher who was so busy doing other things which caused me to have no interest whatsoever in Geography. And now I am so disappointed because after reading this book I can now see how a combination of interest in both subjects could lead to an approach to travel that I have never used. I know for sure that I could not, would not travel like Mr. Lister. I’m not brave enough, I’m not savvy enough but I very much enjoyed travelling vicariously with him. I actually spent time reviewing the maps with genuine interest. The book is loaded with historical facts and laugh out loud moments. It was a thoroughly enjoyable read.
Jo-ANN Fox Jo-ANN Fox 3 years ago
Author; the Honorable Terry Lister was a partner at Deloitte Accounting Firm; a Minister in the Government of Bermuda and a realtor who retired at age 60. Upon his retirement it was always his goal to learn 'what makes people tic' especially after they have endured disasters and devastation in their lives and their environment.

In his book, Terry noted that after devastation, the strength of human spirit can RISE when the People and Leadership work together to achieve success. Examples of this resurrection were highlighted when Terry visited Sierra Leone, Liberia and Ghana where he encountered people who were optimistic and hopeful for a brighter future for their children and themselves despite their hardships.

During his travels around these countries, he was subjected to long waits, uncomfortable drives, language barriers and chaotic business transactions. However these difficulties did not dampen Terry's spirits he was committed to discover the 'secrets' of these inhabitants' resilience and optimism.

Later in the book Terry offers recommendations that could uplift their country if investment was made in infrastructure rehabilitation, tourism and resource management. Perhaps in time these improvements will have a positive impact on the peoples' lives and improve their standard of living thus minimizing the degree of devastation they will encounter in the future.

Terry's book is very informative and there is an abundance of West African history, which included his emotional visit to Ghana Cape Coast Slave Castle. The atmosphere in the castle was overwhelming and stifling. It was a memorable experience.

I enjoyed reading Terry's first book "Immersed in West Africa". This book "A New Day Dawns" is most definitely a GOODREAD!

My only criticism is the insufficient number of pictures in the book.
Otto Trott Otto Trott 3 years ago
“A New Day Dawns” Terry Lister’s Book II in the Travels with Terry Series continues into Sierra Leone, Liberia, Ivory Coast and Ghana. The title is appropriate because this book is full of adventure and excitement every day. Terry was up at dawn on many days, to get a “good” seat in an overcrowded car. You will learn about the several types of third world transport that would amaze anyone in the West. There are rides on all sorts of terrain, there are river crossings and boat rides to islands. In golf they say, “its’ not how you drive it’s how you arrive.” The drives are part of this great odyssey across 4 African countries but there are interesting stories when you do arrive at each place. He describes crossing borders and going through Customs and Immigration. You learn about each country’s culture. You learn about the languages spoken, significant African kingdoms, the colonial past, post-independence progress and setbacks. Some have had civil wars and survived outbreaks of dangerous diseases, but the people have been resilient. You will find out which countries mine gold and diamonds. Rubber, cocoa and cashews are products of agriculture in the region. Find out what happens where. This is a fun book to read packed with information and you could call this a travel book, and adventure story or even a geography book. I recommend reading it. You will enjoy it.
Baba the Storyteller Baba the Storyteller 3 years ago
I found Mr. Lister’s newest release to be a perfect blend of educational narrative and adventurous travel log. He ventures to areas of Africa that are very much off the beaten path. I respect and appreciate his willingness to be vulnerable and share his true thoughts and feelings in moments that would challenge any of us emotionally. I really appreciated the chapter on Liberia because of its historical relationship to descendants of the enslaved here in North America. Mr. Lister’s voice is one of reason and wisdom. When he speaks of his negotiating transportation and lodging the reader feels the tension of those moments. His attempts to procure meals after marathon travel across borders will be familiar to everyone who has been challenged by West Africa’s unique transportation systems. I highly recommend this book to anyone thinking about visiting West Africa.
Book Detail
Title A New Day Dawns: My Solo Journey Into West Africa (Travels With Terry Book 2)
Series Travels with Terry
Author Terry Lister
Publish Date 28, Oct 2021
Language English
Page Count 202