September Shadows (Justice, Montana Book 1)
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September Shadows (Justice, Montana Book 1)

by Debbi MigitPublish: Feb 02, 2021Series: Justice, MontanaChristian Fiction Teen & Young Adult

Book Overview

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Justice, Montana complete series

September Shadows (Justice, Montana Book 1)
$4.6 kindle Free with KUeBook,
September Shadows (Justice, Montana Book 1)by Debbi MigitPublish: Feb 02, 2021Series: Justice, MontanaChristian Fiction Teen & Young Adult
October Outlaw (Justice, Montana Book 2)
$3.99 kindleeBook,
October Outlaw (Justice, Montana Book 2)by Debbi MigitPublish: Nov 30, 2021Series: Justice, MontanaChristian Fiction Teen & Young Adult
Debbi Migit
United States3 Books
Christian Fiction Teen & Young Adult Christian Nonfiction

Award-winning author and speaker, Debbi Migit, lives in central Illinois, surrounded by pumpkin patches and corn fields. Her first book, Child of Promise, is the true love story of a family formed through adoption. After ten years of infertility, Debbi and her husband, Phil, were just months from adopting when God sa... id, "Not this way." Child of Promise is the story of audacious faith resulting in multiple miracles; it encourages readers to remember their own promises and believe again.
She has won multiple awards and contests, writing stories that are filled with faith and hope. She loves to share personal anecdotes about God's faithfulness, infusing her talks with authenticity and humor.
Debbi and Phil are the adoptive parents of Alex (31), Ethan (20), and Kate (19). The God-ordained spacing of their children offered the unique opportunity to parent a teen and two toddlers-at the same time. This is the season Debbi fondly calls the TNT years!
Debbi's hobbies include reading, writing, and avoiding arithmetic. Her favorite color is turquoise, and she collects Trixie Belden books and typewriters. If playing Candy Crush was a paying gig, she would be rich.
Debbi's new romance/suspense series begins with September Shadows, and is set in Montana. After the mysterious death of their parents, three young sisters are determined to stay together and make a new life for themselves. This new life includes faith-testing danger, adventure, and romance. Watch for the release of September Shadows in spring 2021.
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Debbi Migit other Books

Child of Promise: An Amazing True Story of Faith and Family
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October Outlaw (Justice, Montana Book 2)
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October Outlaw (Justice, Montana Book 2)by Debbi MigitPublish: Nov 30, 2021Series: Justice, MontanaChristian Fiction Teen & Young Adult
Book Detail
Title September Shadows (Justice, Montana Book 1)
Series Justice, Montana
Author Debbi Migit
Publish Date 02, Feb 2021
Language English
Page Count 189