The Shorts: A Collection of Original Short Stories
by Lise Spence-ParsonsPublish: May 15, 2020Crime Fiction Historical Mystery Thriller Suspense Mystery Action & Adventure Contemporary Romance Historical Romance Book Overview
Make your way through the contemporary world with Lise Spence-Parsons in this collection of seventeen short stories. From ghostly tales to futuristic worlds, you'll be questioning everything by the time it's over!
Clean & Sterile - Shows how gentrification can have a negative impact.
Spaced Out! - Provides insight into the difficulty of managing someone with dementia.
A Natural Remedy? - Exposes you to the moral dilemmas of an imaginary epidemic.
Clause 8 - A futuristic story of self-indulgence and self-seeking ambition.
All the stories offered here hold meaning for the author, Lise Spence-Parsons. She hopes they allow readers to find new experiences in topics they may not have thought about before.