Life is a Paradox itself
by Antonio MadrugadaPublish: Oct 20, 2019Visionary Fiction Fantasy Teen & Young Adult Poetry Book Overview
This is a book of poems, fragments and thoughts gathered in a simple book.
It contains original engravings.
All the dreams that António Madrugada, the pseudonym, had endured, he adapted to the chosen name in this manuscript.
The pain, the anguish, and the platonic love that he, as a writer, presents the narrator and his active role, which he lived through during his difficult adolescence.
He had to deal with a big deal of grief and with human indifference towards certain things.
Dealing with the inertia and slowness of society on the edge of everything he lived through, dealing with the conformism of society. He finds that inappropriate.
The darkness of his thoughts and the actions of those who never dared to understand him, left a deep mark on his way to see life itself, as well as his writing style.
The darkness did not seduce him.
This book is the remains of his book "Poems move mountains" in Portuguese, which were later been published. Fragments that were left out, were combined into a whole.
A book to celebrate the fifteen years of his fighting with tears, praying with tears, frustration, silent screams, sleepless nights, more tears, contained crying, fury, anger and other things that made him move on and fight. Finally, when all seemed lost and when he almost "burned" his manuscripts, the light appears.
In October 2019 officially releases this book.
The first of three books were released.
The fight will not stop here.
This is the book of all that and more.
António Madrugada wants to be the creator of a new form of writing.
May he forever have the courage and daring to fight for a better world.