by Shay JonezPublish: Aug 23, 2022Contemporary RomanceRomantic SuspenseNew Adult RomanceRomanceWomen's FictionAfrican American InterestTeen & Young Adult
Crime FictionMysteryAction & AdventureRomantic SuspenseParanormal RomanceAfrican American Interest
BIOGRAPHY Its hard to remember a time when I wasn't reading, lost in a world that the author had created. From the reading came my first few short stories. From those short stories came my first novel in a notebook that I guarded with my life.
It wasn't until a few years ago that I had the courage to share that story online, disappointed when I didn't get the response I wanted. However I left that story posted. It would be over a year later I would return to It determined to start a new story that I saw I had followers and over 14 thousand people had read and likes my story. It was then I knew I had to finish It Is What It Is.
A friend once told me that if I loved the story then I only needed one other person to love my story. I married him and we now live in Missouri with our four children. Till this day I still love my stories and I hope others will get lost in my imagined world and love them to.
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