by Terri DixonPublish: Nov 27, 2022Series: Every Woman has a StoryWomen's Fiction Humor Book Overview
Everyone has that moment of clarity blamed on reaching middle age. Alice happened to have her epiphany when her husband, Donald, brought her a treadmill as a gift for the 19th wedding anniversary which she completely forgot. What does a woman do after an event like that?
Alice suddenly wakes up from her state of complacency, where she’s been lounging on her laurels for nearly two decades. She begins to notice obvious characteristics about her teenage children, Alli and Graham, that she’d completely ignored. She realizes her husband really isn’t who she expected him to be at this point in life; if ever. She takes a close look at herself, her relationships, and her life; and realizes she can do better for her own peace of mind.
Alice meets Josephine Dusante, French artist extraordinaire, and they become fast friends. Josephine spots the artist that Alice always wished she could be hiding behind a bored, lonely housewife.
Before Alice has time to contemplate much, her children head off to college, her husband gets a promotion at the fan factory where he’s worked for almost 20 years. Donald takes up golf and has secrets galore that Alice was entirely oblivious to.
Will Alice’s world fall apart as her dog, Max, walks across Europe on her treadmill, or will she discover the person she always wanted to be?
Somewhere in this offbeat dramedy lives will change, new lives will develop, and Alice will finally discover what she can be. Endings are just beginnings backwards, and Alice is starting over and finding her true place in the universe.
If you ever had misgivings about your life which made you reevaluate everything you thought you knew, then Alice’s unexpected metamorphosis will keep you well entertained, and assure you that you’re not alone in the world of women rediscovering themselves.