My Sister Wants an Elephant is the true story of two siblings who team up together to convince their mother to let them own a couple of wild animals as pets, and a mother who just might be persuaded.
Full of humor and fun, this book is a good lesson on not giving up on your dreams, no matter how truly wild they may be.
BIOGRAPHY I am a retired merchandise buyer, turned educator/Administrator, turned dog trainer and author. Throughout these transitions, I’ve become a grandmother to two precocious granddaughters, I’ve returned to writing poetry, a children’s book, taken up gardening, I love cultivating cuttings and creating unique planters, tu... tor reading for elementary school children, mentor a high schooler, and found my true passions, dancing and Dragon boating. There is no greater satisfaction then the thrill of paddling this gigantic canoe in sync with my team mates, across the finish more