Where's Chuckawalla Bill's Cabin?: A True Tale of Being Lost in the Hi-Desert
by Kevin HeatonPublish: Sep 18, 2022Biographies & MemoirsChristian NonfictionReligion & Spirituality
Book Overview
"Dear God, I've lost the trail!" Not only was there no pathway of any kind; as far as I could see, there were no more aluminum cans or punctured helium birthday balloons.
Dare to go missing with me on the perilous, thirty-hour Hi-Desert ordeal that nearly took my life. This book will challenge your every known human emotio... n: from anticipation to desperation, to the redemption one can mercifully partake of, at the healing waters of life's simpler things.read more
BIOGRAPHY Kevin Heaton lives and writes in Yucca Valley, Ca. He is an avid runner, author, and retired state park ranger. His work has appeared in over 400 print and online journals including: Guernica, Beloit Poetry Journal, Rattle, The Adroit Journal, and Raleigh Review, (search: Kevin Heaton Poems) and has been selected as ... Best of the net. He is a three-time Pushcart Prize nominee, and is listed as notable among published Kansas poets.
Released March of 2025: "OPAL: Spirit of a Woman," The true story of Opal Fetters/George. An amazing tale of abuse, faith, and survival set in Kansas and Oklahoma during the "Great Depression," and beyond.read more