The Spirit-Led Entrepreneur: 13 Steps to a Successful Christian Business Start-up
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The Spirit-Led Entrepreneur: 13 Steps to a Successful Christian Business Start-up

by Teresa Kuryn KohlerPublish: Jul 25, 2023Christian Nonfiction Business
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standalone complete series

Christian Nonfiction Business

Teresa is a Christian attorney with a unique combination of education and expertise in accounting, finance, and entrepreneurship. Teresa is intimately familiar with the challenges face at business start-up. Through her business Vision Growth Partners, LLC she helps aspiring entrepreneurs navigate the initial complexities of starting a successful business.

Book Detail
Title The Spirit-Led Entrepreneur: 13 Steps to a Successful Christian Business Start-up
Author Teresa Kuryn Kohler, Esq
Publish Date 25, Jul 2023
Publisher Vision Growth Partners, LLC
Language English
Page Count 170