… in the not-so-distant future, In a world where technology and humanity collide, robots strive to meet the high demands of their creators, often finding themselves entangled in legal dilemmas that require more than just circuits and code. Enter Gary Legal, the savvy attorney who champions the rights of robots, ensuring they receive the justice they deserve.
"It's tough being a robot - unrealistic expectations from humans, long hours, lack of social interaction. And what can you do when unscrupulous owners break the law? Humans have attorneys, and so should you. Sometimes, you just need a good lawyer to do what a robot can't."
BIOGRAPHY Also going by the moniker of “Ew! It’s Margret”, Margret “The Margret” Treiber has been voted “most likely to display awkward and inappropriate behavior in public” by a random group of drunks downtown.
Besides being odd and writing speculative fiction, Margret serves as editor-in-chief for the speculative humor magazine, Sci-Fi Lampoon. When she’s not writing or working at her day job corrupting technology, she helps her birds break things for her spouse to fix.