Farm House
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Farm House

by Steve SoderquistPublish: Jun 12, 2016Horror
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Steve Soderquist is the Operations Director, Chief Editor, and Acquisitions Editor of Foundations Publishing Company. He has written and published five novels, one novella and a children's short story of his own. He has edited, formatted, and worked with some of the best-selling authors of today and still insists he has the best job in the world—helping others reach their dream of being a published author.

He will freely admit to his rather unorthodox style of teaching 'All-Things-English,' but the results from those he has taught in seminars, webinars, and workshops speaks for itself. He lives in Brandon, Mississippi with his beautiful fiancé, fellow author and editor/illustrator and owner of Foundations, LLC, Laura Ranger.

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Book Detail
Title Farm House
Author Steve Soderquist
Publish Date 12, Jun 2016
Language English
Page Count 278