BIOGRAPHY DRUMMING FOUND IN THE ORIGINAL DRUM CURRICULUM BY SITON TAMPERED MISLEADING COLLEGE HIGH SCHOOLS TEACHERS DRUM EXPERTS ON REAL DRUMMING a percussion instrument not the only may not be the first Africe has been found True as the most used percussion instruments Conga bongos by Siton is the creator of the first DRUM Set 2 piece and 3 piece drum set .Given away DRUM company's to Friends and family who will keep Siton Legacy at Sabian Tama Turbo Sound TO Jeff Davis Professsor David Caton Jules Bartholomew Stanley A. Brown Spanky a Junior A.Spears Jermaine and others who also have thier own Curriculum audio midi software by Jeff Davis his loops rolls riff ,Jermaine Spanky Junior Private college course with thier style apps ,classes ,curriculum lessons plans for private teachers to public schools used for 3 years implemented Opening the hand of Drummers world wide . HIP HOP ATLANTA IS THE NEW STUDIO IN ATLANTA WHERE HIT TV SHOWS LIKE JENNIFER HUDSON AND SHERLY DEM RECORD DAYTIME TALK SHOWS LIVE . WITH VOICE OVER STUDIO DIFF MOVIE LOOTS INSIDE MUSIC
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