Put a French mademoiselle on a plane to Scotland for her friend’s wedding,
Get a Highlander to play the bagpipes at the ceremony,
And let Christmas do the rest.
That said, the demoiselle isn’t overly eager to celebrate Christmas.
All she wants is a quiet time in the Highlands.
But her friend has other ideas... …
Oh la la!
Joyeux Noël!read more
Romantic SuspenseWomen's FictionTeen & Young Adult
BIOGRAPHY British born A J lives in the Loire Valley in France. Through my Eyes (and other short stories) is her latest novel. This is her fifth book and she doesn't want to stop there. She hopes to bring out one new book every year.
Her first book The Whispering Magpies was translated into French in July 2022.
A... J's flash fiction 'Buy Chance' was published in the AFOW2 anthology in the US in 2019.read more