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by Linda Guccione AllardPublish: Oct 05, 2023Children's
    • Linda Guccione Allard Linda Guccione Allard 1 year ago
    • A message to the young readers of my books

      The world is a challenging place to find value in the written word. My challenge is that a young reader would not be swayed to follow corruptible attitudes and actions but to be able to find goodness and kindness and proper words to help them feel better about themselves.
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    • Linda Guccione Allard Linda Guccione Allard 1 year ago
    • What advantages will the world gain from my books?

      I want people to have enjoyment and encouragement and be able to transport themselves to a comfortable place to escape everyday life. Books are written for many reasons. I have chosen in my writings to help people enjoy escaping into the lives of my characters and perhaps learn something from how my characters handled their situations.
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Romance Children's

I was born in St. Louis, Missouri in1942. Because of a business change, my family moved to New Orleans in 1958 where I finished high school and met my husband, Joe, at a summer job. I have been married to Joe, the love of my life, for over 61 years.

I have resided in Arlington, Texas since 1968. I have four married daughters, 13 grandchildren, and 20 great-grandchildren. I attended Louisiana State University to pursue a degree in Elementary Education. I have been a member of Alpha Xi Delta Sorority for over 60 years. I delight in writing, and enjoy traveling and doing family research. After I received a breast cancer diagnoses in 2015, life's goals changed for me.

I began to put together, as they say, "My Bucket List" and get serious about the goals in my life. I trusted God and realized that He must have a plan for my life; hopefully it included some of my dreams. It was then that I decided to pursue a lifelong dream which was to self-publish my memoir as an adopted child, Chosen to be Loved. Following the realization of that dream, I went on to self-publish two additional books; Loving Whispers, a Christian romance, and Teaspoon of Hardship, Tablespoon of Love, a book of encouragement during the challenges of life.

Book Detail
Author Linda Guccione Allard,
Publish Date 05, Oct 2023
Language English
Page Count 24