The book examines the issues and challenges raised by anticompetitive practices in public procurement and lack of integrity. This is the first book to highlight the role of integrity and competition in public procurement and its influence on the entire public procurement process.
This book aims to promote integrity in... public procurement as a precondition for fair competition and sustainable public procurement. It will help the reader to solve its problems concerning lack of knowledge, information, and experience in the area of competition and public procurement. Furthermore, it will help with appropriate measures for the prevention of corruption, as well as measures aimed at fighting bid rigging in public procurement and enhancing competition.
Considering the wide impact of public procurement on the whole economy, and the harmful consequences of anticompetitive practices on public resources, this book reviews some public procurement rules in the EU Directive on Public Procurement and the Law on Public Procurement in Serbia, intended to foster competition.
This book can be used as an useful manual for public procurement practitioners and officials working in the area of competition. It is of great value not only for lawyers, economists, specialists in purchasing practice, researchers, and students but to a much wider audience that recognizes the strong potential of public procurement to stimulate investment and new technologies, as well as to boost the whole more
BIOGRAPHY Slavica Jokovic?, PhD, Award-Winning Author of eleven books, Doctor of Economics, Visiting Lecturer, Senior Economic Policy Advisor with extensive experience and track record, with many years of experience in the General Association of Civil Engineering, Public Procurement Expert with more than 10 years of relevant e... xperience; specialized in the area of public procurement at the ILO`s International Training Centre in Turin, Italy; certified trainer in the field of public procurement in the Western Balkans and Turkey; published 12 books and about 70 articles by various international and local publishers; Member of the academic research network “Public Contracts in Legal Globalization”, Associate Member of the Procurement Law Academic Network-The PLAN Network, American Writers & Artists Inc. (AWAI) Member, Readers` Favorite 2017 International Book Award Contest Giveaway Prize Winner for the eBook ”Winning Public Procurement Contracts in Serbia-Manual”, 2017read more