Romance Women's Fiction Literary Fiction
BIOGRAPHY Hello everyone. I am writing to introduce myself. My name is Joseph Seechack. I am a writer, author and novelist for Koehler Books.
I am the author of my debut novel, “A Love To Die For” which was published by Koehler Books in February 2024.
“A Love To Die For” has received several Five Star Reviews. It is av... ailable everywhere, including a number of other countries.
Here is a synopsis:
This is a story that will make readers feel, really feel. It will grab readers by the collar with two hands and pull them into the story and hopefully be changed, and find hope and energy from the story.
Grace and Ron Butler had a legendary love and marriage. They radiated so much incredible, beautiful love to everyone. If Love had a Mount Rushmore, Ron and Grace would be certainly be on it.
Then Grace comes home to an empty house. She later learns that the love of her life Ron, died under very unusual circumstances. There was no chance to say goodbye. The last kiss from Ron when she went out, really was her last kiss from Ron. Grace is far beyond devastated; she is annihilated. Her perfect love is dead.
Their magical love together was the strong foundation that their lives were built on. Now, without Ron, how is she going to move on and rebuild some kind of life for herself and her two fatherless children?
Luckily Grace is blessed with amazingly strong, incredibly loving girlfriends who help to” Reassemble her” and carry her along through the process of rebuilding a life for herself and her two children. They are the real heroines of this story.
The only villain in this story is Death itself, the cause of all of her pain. Death is both unavoidable and inevitable. What can Grace do?
How does Grace endure the constant, tortuous, unending pain of this “sudden vacuum” in her life without Ron. How can she pull herself together enough to do a eulogy worthy of their legendary love and marriage for Ron and their children?
Her eulogy is heartbreaking. It will make readers cry. When she saw Ron in his coffin, her heart pleaded with her to be buried with him, and so it was. She just couldn’t stand for their hearts to be apart.
Readers cannot jump into the story and help Grace. All they can do is cheer her on. Readers will share in a great “Catharsis” as she evolves to a place where she not only helps herself, she can help others to learn what she has learned so that they can rebuild their own lives. Grace is “The Triumph of the individual” over incredible, endless pain over the loss of True Love; all with the help of her heroic girlfriends.
With all the darkness and suffering in this book, these is a great deal of unexpected humor and laughter for the reader to bring some balance into the story. And make for a more enjoyable experience for the reader.
I look forward to following the posts from my fellow writers and contributing where I can. Thank you all. read more |