Time travel can be a useful resource, but what if something unexpected goes wrong?
In the year 3236, the government uses time travel to document the mistakes of the past. It's a way to gain power in the present by learning from history.
During a leap back to WWII, Astro-archeologist Julie finds her safe proje... ction hasn't gone as planned. Instead of the ethereal presence she's supposed to be, she's actually visible. What will that mean when she stumbles upon a small village being raided by German soldiers?
Faced with death all around her, Julie has to find her way back to the future. But when she returns, will she be the same person she was? Or will the paradoxes of time travel change her life forever?read more
Do you think time travel will ever be possible? I don’t, but imagination is an incredible thing. We all do it, did you know? Listen to a song from your childhood and you are transported right back. If you could choose where to go somewhere in the past, where would you travel to?