BIOGRAPHY My name is Romelia Lungu. I am from Romania, but I live at the moment in Malta. I like to travel a lot and all over Europe, and someday I hope to travel worldwide. My biggest dream is to go to California and Manhattan. I love to travel by car, and I wouldn't say I like airplanes; I feel suffocating in the airplanes. I love animals, especially dogs. I have two dogs and a cat. I love them more than anything in this world. I think animals deserve more love than people. I like to spend a lot of time in nature, and I love snow.
I decided to become a writer in December 2019. I've written for many years but never dare to publish anything. I've published six books until now, and I have about twenty more titles(ideas) to come. I love to write, and this was the biggest dream of my life. Even if it doesn't make any sense what I am writing, I feel relieved when I write. I think a lot, my brain is going crazy sometimes, and I even shout to myself to stop the thoughts, millions of thoughts every day, and especially in the night when I go to sleep.
I have one more dream to fulfill, to become a bestseller. I have much more to learn about writing, but I will not stop until that dream comes true.
I also designed a magazine for authors to promote their work and be known worldwide. The magazine Books for Life will be published each month on the 26th. The first edition was published on the 26th of August.