by Honey ThomasPublish: Mar 27, 2024Women's FictionAfrican American Interest
Book Overview
“Vagina Business” is a collection of fictional short stories from the Female, and sometimes Male point of view. This collection of short stories will take you on a journey of mental, physical, emotional, and self-love relationships, with sex somehow being the ultimate end game.The Vagina will have a say in all of this relation... ship business, weighing in on how SHE should have been more
Crime FictionSuspenseWomen's FictionAfrican American InterestChildren'sAdvice & How To
BIOGRAPHY Honey Thomas is a Chicago, Illinois native. She is an avid reader of urban fiction novels which inspired her to write her first book. The plethora of books, short stories and poems she has read throughout high school to the present day allowed her mind to escape into a world of fascination, mystery, realities and sus... pense. Being a new author allows her to share her creative mind with the world in hopes of giving them the same escape she experienced. Honey is currently working on her next more