Sage the Moss Dragon: The Adventures of Monty...Book Two
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Sage the Moss Dragon: The Adventures of Monty...Book Two

by Barbara HodgesPublish: May 24, 2022Series: The Adventures of MontyChildren's

Book Overview

A jealous shove into a raging river rips Sage, the Moss Dragon, from her land of Rainbow Valley and forces her into the feared outside world.
Two basset hounds, Heidi and Monty, discover Sage asleep on the riverbank beside their Grandma Jean's home.
The frightened Moss Dragon pleads for them to help her return to Rainb... ow Valley.
Heidi and Monty reluctantly agree. But where to begin? The only thing Sage remembers is a tree made from rainbows.
Rebel the rabbit and Marvin the mole had histories with Monty and they weren't smooth ones. Rebel and Marvin overhear Sage and offer to lead the Moss Dragon to the rainbow willow tree. Along the way, they will cross Carl Coyote's path. The coyote is angry at Rebel, and is seeking revenge. If that isn't enough of a problem, they still must find a cave and winding stairs that lead up a mountainside. It is the only way Sage knows how to return to Rainbow Valley, and even that may only be a story from Moss Dragon history.
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The Adventures of Monty complete series

The Adventures of Monty: A Forever Home
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The Adventures of Monty: A Forever Homeby Barbara M. HodgesPublish: Oct 18, 2018Series: The Adventures of MontyChildren's
Sage the Moss Dragon: The Adventures of Monty...Book Two
$6.99 kindleeBook, Paperback, Signed Paperback,
Sage the Moss Dragon: The Adventures of Monty...Book Twoby Barbara HodgesPublish: May 24, 2022Series: The Adventures of MontyChildren's
Crime Fiction Suspense Supernatural Suspense Paranormal Romance Fantasy Teen & Young Adult Children's

Barbara M Hodges is the author or co-author of 16 books of fiction. She lives on the central coast of California with her husband Jeff and two rescued basset hounds, Heidi and Monty.

Barbara loves basset hounds and is very involved with basset hound rescue. You will find a basset hound in all of her books... . read more

Barbara M. Hodges other Books

The Adventures of Monty: A Forever Home
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Book Detail
Title Sage the Moss Dragon: The Adventures of Monty...Book Two
Series The Adventures of Monty
Author Barbara Hodges,
Publish Date 24, May 2022
Language English
Page Count 119
Cover Design Bonita Sevedge