Heavenly Places TTRPG Campaign: A New Thing
by John KowalskiPublish: Mar 16, 2024Series: Heavenly Places TTRPG (D&D 5e)Historical Fiction Fantasy Book Overview
Heavenly Places seeks to bring a new perspective to the roleplaying world and now you can join the adventure! Until now, the wondrous worlds and adventures of the tabletop roleplaying genre have offered little geared toward people of the Christian faith. Amazing games and worlds have been designed for adventurers willing to wield sword and sorcery for fame, fortune and fictional gods. Now, the brave adventurer can explore the world of Aeramor as its people experience the Biblical Old Testament. Will your heroes trust in the mission and the providence of God through brutal persecution, challenging puzzles and devastating losses? Can your team help the people of Aeramor to find truth and salvation in God through their words and actions? This campaign book takes an in-depth look at the history, people, and places of Old Testament Israel but in a world of fantastical races, devastating magic and terrifying betrayal. This Heavenly Places Campaign "A New Thing" is the first of three guidebooks. It will take characters from level 1-10 and includes six new subclasses, dozens of magic items, and monsters based on the Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition rules, but modifiable to any tabletop roleplaying rule set. Get your copy today and begin exploring the Heavenly Places!