La Segunda Revolucion China
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La Segunda Revolucion China

by Ted HalsteadPublish: Feb 07, 2024Series: Los Agentes RusosThriller

Book Overview

El presidente de China se ve enfrentado a muchos problemas, como los conflictos en la frontera india y el Mar de China Meridional, creados por él mismo. Otros que simplemente sucedieron, como los desastres pendientes en la presa de las Tres Gargantas y la planta nuclear más antigua de China.
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Los Agentes Rusos complete series


Ted Halstead served twenty-five years in the State Department as a Foreign Service Officer, most of it overseas, and was promoted to the Senior Foreign Service after his second tour at US Embassy Riyadh. His tours included four years at US Embassy Seoul, and two years at the East Asia Pacific Bureau in DC. He is a Na... tional War College graduate, and served for three years at a regional US military headquarters. read more

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Book Detail
Title La Segunda Revolucion China
Series Los Agentes Rusos
Author Ted Halstead
Publish Date 07, Feb 2024
Publisher Babelcube Inc.
Language Spanish
Page Count 537