By Blood, By Salt (Land of Exile Book 1)
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By Blood, By Salt (Land of Exile Book 1)

by J. L. OdomPublish: May 14, 2024Series: Land of ExileFantasy
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Land of Exile complete series

J. L. Odom
United States1 Book

J. L. Odom hails from Oklahoma. After a five year stint in the Marine Corps as an Arabic linguist, she graduated from George Washington University with a degree in International Affairs with an emphasis on Conflict and Security. She lives with her husband and five children wherever it is that the U.S. Army happens to send them. Her hobbies include running, jiu jitsu, and cooking to feed a crowd.

Book Detail
Title By Blood, By Salt (Land of Exile Book 1)
Series Land of Exile
Author J. L. Odom
Publish Date 14, May 2024
Publisher Azimuth
Language English
Page Count 374
Cover Design Jeremy Adams