When the Drop becomes the Ocean: A journey to the Ocean, to the Divine. On the Upanishads, the Ancient Wisdom of India
by Swami Dhyan GitenPublish: Feb 26, 2021Religion & Spirituality Book Overview
The book is Amazon International bestseller ranked in four categories Book, Upanishads, Meditation and Personal Transformation Self.Help.
“The current climate change is an outer mirror of our inner consciousness. It is an outer mirror of our attitude to try to conquer nature, instead of being in harmony with nature,
but in the end the part can never conquer the whole.”
- Swami Dhyan Giten
"Man is like a river on his way towards the ocean, towards the divine. The drop has a thirst, a longing. The drop knows nothing of the ocean, but the drop longs to become one with the ocean. The drop cannot find fulfillment until it becomes on with the ocean, the divine. This book is a journey to the ocean, to the divine."
- Swami Dhyan Giten
Giten has presented the Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg with his book "When the Drop becomes the Ocean." In the letter to Greta Giten says about the book: This book is about the Upanishads, which is the first spiritual system in the world almost ten thousand years ago in India. The Upanishads are so genius that they are almost unknown in the world and that is the basic reason why the world is in such misery.
The book also describes the basic psychological and spiritual causes to the current climate change. On the back side of the book it says: In this book Giten talks about The Upanishadic vision of life, which is a universe in an organic whole. We are all existing in togetherness. The trees, the flowers, the stones, the birds, the mountains and the stars are all interlinked. The part represents the whole. Nothing is lower, nothing is higher - all is one.
The Upanishadic vision of life has never become part of human consciousness. It has remained the vision of a few mystics, which is the basic reason for the misery of the world." Giten ends the letter to Greta saying that he sends a copy of the book as a thank you for her impressive work against climate change.
Giten's new beautiful coffee table book "When the Drop becomes the ocean" is in A4-size with color photos and is a beautiful gift to yourself or a friend. The book can be displayed both on your coffee table and in your spiritual center, so that people can open a page in the book and receive a light on the path, to receive a guiding quote for the day.
The book is dedicated to Parma, Giten’s beloved friend for many lives, who also participated in satang with him.
This book is a compilation of lectures from satang with spiritual teacher and best-selling author Swami Dhyan Giten on the Upanishads, the ancient wisdom of India, between March 2016 and July 2018 in Stockholm.
In this book Giten talks about The Upanishadic vision of life, which is a universe in an organic whole. We are all existing in togetherness. The trees, the flowers, the stones, the birds, the mountains and the stars are all interlinked. The part represents the whole. Nothing is lower, nothing is higher - all is one. The smallest blade of grass is connected with the farthest stars. The Upanishadic vision of life has never become part of human consciousness. It has remained the vision of a few mystics, which is the basic reason for the misery of the world.
The word Upanishadic means to sit in deep communion with truth. It means to sit in satsang in a deep communion of the heart. The Upanishads is a silent communion from heart to heart. That is the meaning of Upanishad. Sitting in silent communion of the heart, and something transpires. This transmission beyond words is the meaning of the word Upanishad.
The Upanishadic approach is individual. Organized religion, tradition, dogma and ideology are bound to be against individuality.
"Satsang with Giten is heaven. Satsang with Giten is heaven. Satsang with Giten about the Upanishads is so exciting. Satsang with Giten is like a scent, a flowering of This is it! Satsang with Giten has the same taste as satsang in India. Suddenly meditation is not dry and sterile, but an experience of love, silence and prayer, of being one with life.
I was so afraid that I would lose the silence that I had found during satsang in India, but I found the silence again in satsang with Giten. Samadhi is like dying. The fear that I experienced in the beginning in satsang when I went into samadhi, when I disappeared into the silence, has now disappeared totally.
Satsang with Giten is like coming home. I went into samadhi three times during a satsang weekend with Giten - and I got a map and an understanding for how to go into samadhi again. Before I started to attend satsang,
I did not think that enlightenment was possible, but now I feel that it is possible. Satsang with Giten confirms what I have really always known. I never thought that samadhi was possible, but in satsang with Giten,
samadhi is knocking on the door.”
- Padma
Love, Truth and Grace go Together,
Satsang with Giten on the Upanishads,
The Upanishads - Introduction,The Mystery School - Becoming the Ocean,
To Be is the only Way to Know,
The Flower of Love,
A Man of Wisdom,
You are Already Free,
God is Existence,
The World is God's Dance,
When the Drop becomes the Ocean,
Rejoicing in Your Self,
Methods to Dispel the Impurities of the Heart,
He Behaves like a Swan,
Longing for the Beyond is the Meditators Single Motivation, Living in Harmony with your own Dharma,
Intuition, the Inner Guide, the Master Within,
Looking into your Heart - Follow Your Nature,
Communion with the Ultimate Reality is the Meditators Initiation,
Compassion is the Highest form of Love,
The Bliss of Aloneness,
The Blissful Self
The World is God's Dance,
The Meditator has to Live in the Insecure,
Unplanned is the Aim of the Meditator,
The Meditator tirelessly strives for the Light,
One with Existence,
The Blissful Aloneness: The Rhythm of Love and Aloneness,
Shunya - The Divine Source,
Without Knowing the Self, there is No Immortality,
A True and Experienced Yoga is the Meditator's Inner Temple,
Free from Condemning Others, he is a Jivanmukta,
One who is Liberated in Life
Communion with the Ultimate Reality is the Meditators Initiation,
The Four Levels of Consciousness,
All Actions are the Will of the Whole,
Past Life - The Secrets of the Third Eye,
Death and Cancer,
The Call of Compassion: The Pedagogy of the Buddhas,
An excerpt from the book
“Enlightenment is the realization that all is as it should be. Everything is perfect as it is. Enlightenment is not an effort to achieve. Enlightenment is a state of non-doing, of effortlessness. Enlightenment is the feeling that you are at home in existence. You are part of the whole. You don't exist separately, all separation has disappeared. Enlightenment is the understanding that all is good and that all is an tremendous harmony.”
― Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
“Meditation is a death, a death of the ego. A meditator has to pass through a death. Meditation is the art of learning to die consciously. The spiritual teacher gives you meditation to die and to be reborn.”
― Swami Dhyan Giten, When the Drop becomes the Ocean
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