The Old Lady
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The Old Lady

by Eilis PetroniPublish: Aug 28, 2023Historical Romance Historical Fiction

Book Overview

May a boat have a soul? Four generations of an Irish family, the McDonaghs, firmly believe it.

The Old Lady tells the poignant story of an iconic Galway hooker and her owners: Braendán, Seán, Pádraig and Conor. For them all, the Old Lady represents their choice of a free, independent life, driven by variable winds and... their inner strength.

Their stories are intrinsically linked to that of the boat through many ordinary and extraordinary events. Far beyond being a means of livelihood, the boat is a source of emotional support and inspiration for the McDonaghs and the people related to them in various ways.

The Old Lady represents the living symbol of a legacy spanning a century, bridging the lives, experiences and dreams of the old and the young generations.
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standalone complete series

Action & Adventure Historical Romance Historical Fiction Fantasy

Born and bred under the warm Italian sun, I moved to Ireland in 2015.

These days, you'll find me nestled by the Irish coastline, right in the heart of the captivating Renvyle Peninsula in Connemara. I share this enchanting abode with my fantastic husband, Liam, and my three rescued canine companions: Poldo,... a clever border collie; June, a feisty terrier; and Jojo, an adorable poodle.

Imagine waking up each day surrounded by the breathtaking vistas of Connemara, a land steeped in culture and time-honoured traditions. It's no wonder this splendid backdrop constantly fuels my creativity, giving life to the stories and the characters flowing from my pen.

While my primary gig is weaving the threads of web design, I also have a passion for diving into the written word. And when I'm not crafting stories or practising my skills as a painter, you'll likely find me diving into the sea's embrace, strolling the windy beaches with my furry trio, or even conjuring digital art (though the order might vary depending on the day!).

I'm genuinely grateful for your interest in my books. I hope they whisk you into realms of imagination, providing countless hours of entertainment.
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Book Detail
Title The Old Lady
Author Eilis Petroni
Publish Date 28, Aug 2023
Publisher Seanchai Editions
Language English
Page Count 132
Cover Design Eilis Petroni