Action & AdventureWestern RomanceFantasyTeen & Young Adult
BIOGRAPHY Chad Strong is a Canadian writer and horseman from southern Vancouver Island, BC.
He grew up reading fiction and non-fiction of all sorts, from westerns to fantasies, from adventures to history. His writing has followed suit across multiple genres and his short stories have appeared in various publications.
His first novel, High Stakes, a Western Historical set in Victoria, BC, received multiple awards:
* The Western Fictioneers nominated High Stakes for a Best First Western Novel Peacemaker Award;
* InD'Tale bestowed a RONE nomination for Best American Historical;
*Readers Favorite awarded a 5 Star Badge rating
* plus several others along with positive reviews.
Mixed Grazing is his collection of short stories of multiple genres. This collection has also received a 5 Star rating from Readers Favorite.
Chad Strong other Books
$3.99kindleeBook, Paperback,
High Stakesby Chad StrongPublish: Feb 11, 2016Action & AdventureHistorical RomanceWestern RomanceHistorical Fiction