Loosen the Reins: A Recovery Journey to Peace, Love and Freedom
by Jessie MillerPublish: Sep 27, 2024Advice & How To Biographies & Memoirs General Nonfiction Book Overview
Jessie was once addicted to alcohol and the eating disorder known as bulimia. Her frank memoir discusses her journey to overcome them both, over time. After an encounter with a horse named Kody, Jessie began her “rescue” journey.
She learned to reset, trust, and adopt the “less is more, slow is faster” mentality that leads to a purposeful life. Her desire is to encourage other travelers along this road to recovery and to offer her experiences and trials as hope for all who feel it might be hopeless.
Jessie’s a living testimony to the fact that life is anything but hopeless, and that understanding ourselves and learning how to love ourselves exactly how we are is critical to becoming whole.
Be ready to be inspired and embrace your own wonderful journey.