by Chrissie HarrisonPublish: Oct 10, 2024Contemporary RomanceRomanceHumor
Book Overview
He’s the hapless but charming mascot of a minor league football team.
She’s the feisty physio who’s dating a handsome but possessive striker.
Theirs is the club that needs rescuing from relegation… and the bulldozers.
She could save their season...
…if he can win her heart.
BIOGRAPHY Chris Towndrow has been a writer since 1991.
He began writing science fiction, inspired by Asimov, Iain M Banks, and numerous film and TV canons. After a few years creating screenplays across several genres, in 2004 he branched out into playwriting and has had several productions professionally performed. This background is instrumental in his ability to produce realistic, compelling dialogue in his books.
His first published novel was 2012’s far-future, post-war space opera “Sacred Ground”. He then changed focus into near-future sci-fi adventures, and the Enna Dacourt pentalogy was completed in 2023. In a similar vein, “Nuclear Family” was a venture into post-apocalyptic fiction.
He has always drawn inspiration from the big screen, and 2019’s quirky romantic black comedy “Tow Away Zone” owes much to the films of the Coen Brothers. This spawned two sequels in what became the “Sunrise trilogy”.
His first historical fiction novel, thoughtful Western romance “Signs Of Life”, was published by Valericain Press in 2023.
Chris then returned to his passion for writing accessible humour and is devoting his efforts to romantic comedies. Writing under the new pen name Chrissie Harrison, his rom-com debut, “Floored”, published in April 2024 to great reviews, and outsold his entire back catalogue in just 6 months.
May 2025 sees the publication of a genre defining rom-com set in the world of women’s cricket.
Chris lives on the outskirts of London with his family and is a member of the UK Society of Authors, the Alliance of Independent Authors, and the Romantic Novelists Association.