The Wings of Ashtaroth (The Sands of Hazzan Book 1)
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The Wings of Ashtaroth (The Sands of Hazzan Book 1)

by Steve Hugh WestenraPublish: May 16, 2023Series: The Sands of HazzanLGBT Fantasy
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The Sands of Hazzan complete series

Literary Fiction LGBT Humor Science Fiction Fantasy Horror

Steve is a trans author of fantasy, science fiction, and horror (basically, if it’s weird he writes it).

He grew up on the eldritch shores of Newfoundland, Canada, and currently lives and works in (the slightly less eldritch) Montreal. He holds advanced degrees in Russian Literature, Medieval Studies, and Religious Studies. His current academic work focuses on marginalized reclamations of monstrous figures. He teaches the History of Satan; Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion; and Religion and its Monsters.

In 2018, Steve’s lesbian Viking novel, Ash, Oak, and Thorn, was selected for the Pitch Wars mentoring program and agent showcase. During Pitch Wars, Steve was lucky to receive mentorship from fellow queer author, K. A. Doore.

His queer horror comedy, The Erstwhile Tyler Kyle, was mentored by Mary Ann Marlowe in the inugural #Queeryfest class.

Steve Hugh Westenra other Books

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The Erstwhile Tyler Kyleby Steve Hugh WestenraPublish: Oct 13, 2023LGBT Humor Science Fiction Fantasy Horror
Book Detail
Title The Wings of Ashtaroth (The Sands of Hazzan Book 1)
Series The Sands of Hazzan
Author Steve Hugh Westenra
Publish Date 16, May 2023
Language English
Page Count 1477