Paddling with a Naturalist
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Paddling with a Naturalist

by Brett HodnettPublish: Jun 08, 2010General Nonfiction
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Literary Fiction Science Fiction General Nonfiction

Brett has a truly remarkable history. For a period of more than 3 billion years, through millions of successive generations, every single one of his ancestors managed to survive long enough to breed and successfully leave offspring. Not one failed! Leaning on this illustrious heritage, Brett has written one book of non-fiction, Paddling with a Naturalist, and is currently working on his first book of fiction. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in biology, and a Master’s degree in genetics from the University of Toronto. He usually works, plays, and sleeps in Gatineau, Quebec.

Book Detail
Title Paddling with a Naturalist
Author Brett Hodnett
Publish Date 08, Jun 2010
Language English
Page Count 140