The Secret Life of Girls
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The Secret Life of Girls

by Chloe Thurlow
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Chloe Thurlow
London, The United Kingdom2 Books

My name is Chloe Thurlow. I write erotic books and my Mother doesn't speak to me.

I am a night person, the girl at the bar who looks like she should have gone home and maybe has no home to go to. I am thin, chic, in an abstract sort of way. I have high cheekbones, long legs, perhaps too thin, and I like dancing.

I compose my work in the dead hours between two and six while London sleeps and the early morning planes follow the Thames into Heathrow carrying bankers and businessmen hoping to make it in the greatest city on earth - London, where I was born on a December night with a full-moon overhead and snow covering the garden.

Writing is a sickness, an ailment, an addiction. When I'm not writing, I'm thinking about what I have written that day and, when I do go to bed, I lay sleeplessly thinking about what I am going to write when I get up and start again the following day.

When I do sleep, I sleep badly, in spite of the magnets under my mattress that are supposed to orientate my body north to south so the dragon lines pass through the invisible portal at the top of my skull and down to my feet, my best feature, an old boyfriend once said. The last thing he ever said, now I come to think about it.

I have worked as a tutor, in marketing, and for a women's magazine which involved writing captions for interiors and combat with photographers fixated on depth and apertures. Regular working doesn't suit me, it interferes with writing, and now I freelance as a waitress at corporate 'events' where masters of the universe congratulate themselves by drinking buckets of champagne and falling over.

My new novel Katie in Love is officially released 21 March 2015. It is about a girl with long legs who likes dancing and is trying not to be promiscuous now she has met a man working to save the planet's poor and downtrodden. He is a volunteer doctor, so kind and selfless, the girl of my story wonders if she is in the process of doing the one thing she vowed never to do - fall in love.

Katie in Love is an erotic romance novel without a hint of porn. Porn is pure shock, often brutal, unpleasant, a turn off. The erotic should be saucy, sensitive, a glimpse at our own hidden desires and dark side.

This is from a recent review: "Read Anais Nin's 'A Spy In The House Of Love' and read Thurlow alongside, there is little to distinguish one from the other in my view.' - Elizabeth Woodham.

Chloe Thurlow other Books

Katie in Love
Book Detail
Title The Secret Life of Girls
Author Chloe Thurlow