Deadly weapons… Dangerous secrets… Diabolical schemes…
All converging in one fateful knight.
“Do you believe in fate?”
This seemingly innocent question sets in motion a cascade of events which will upset the world’s order, and might well result in a conflict of cataclysmic proportions.
Renegade clergy have declared an open war on witchcraft. Political turmoil threatens the stability of the dragon kingdom. King Varsil of Rhuddlan appears to be readying for another invasion of Kilbourne. And the revelation of a long-buried secret could alter the very existence of dragons, Dwarves, and men.
With Marissa’s magical powers at an ebb, and Morgan facing an ever-mounting array of insoluble problems, fate seems to be conspiring against them. But when Marissa is taken prisoner by the rebel bishops, to be tried for witchcraft, Morgan will resort to any means necessary to get her back. Even trusting to fate…
BIOGRAPHY Keith W. Willis graduated (long ago) with a degree in English Lit from Berry College, which has the distinction of being the world's largest college campus. He now lives in the scenic Hudson Valley/Adirondack region of NY with his wife Patty. Keith is certain those rumbling noises attributed to Henry Hudson's crew are really just the dragons grumbling. Keith and Patty have one grown son, Matt, who actually thinks it’s pretty cool that Dad wrote a book.
Keith’s interests include reading classic mysteries, fantasy and sci-fi; camping and canoeing; and cutthroat games of Scrabble. He began writing seriously in 2008, when the voices in his head got too annoying to ignore. When he’s not making up stories he manages a group of database content editors at a global information technology firm. TRAITOR KNIGHT (Champagne Books) is his first published novel, and has won awards for both fantasy and romance. The second book in the Knights of Kilbourne series, DESPERATE KNIGHT, was just released in August 2017. SFF World calls DESPERATE KNIGHT ""...a swashbuckling, drama, and punch- (or slap-) filled romp; it’s a tangled web of politics, motives and emotions, all held together with a wonderful dose of heroics, romance, fun and general chaos – and a dragon. Of course."