Deepen your celebration of Easter this year with 40 days of morning and evening devotions that guide you beyond the crucifixion. Author and pastor Barney Cargile invites you to journey toward Easter with Jesus by inspiring meaningful contemplations about the power of His life, death, and resurrection. Daily readings include:
Principles to consider
Questions to ponder
Bible passages to explore
Prayers to share
And a bonus devotion for the morning after Easter Sunday
Cargile also offers reflections on his own Easter journey while writing this book. His wife was diagnosed with cancer shortly after he began writing, and eight months later she went home to heaven. Like Jesus, Barney walked a path of suffering—and like Jesus, Barney focuses on the resurrection that will follow. Be encouraged to draw near to Jesus and experience The Perfect Savior's message that He gives hope even in the midst of darkness.
BIOGRAPHY I am an associate pastor, recently widowed, with two children, seven grandchilren, and three great-grnadchildren. I love writing, traveling, and playing "monster" with my grandkids. I do volunteer work with several recovery programs. I live with my daughter's family on a small organic farm in northern California.