by PJ BraleyPublish: Jan 28, 2025 Series: The Fire SlayersRomanceScience FictionFantasy
Book Overview
In the fall of 2020, P.J. Braley’s The Fire Slayers introduced readers to an underground alien society whose sole mission is to save the earth for its future generations. Those plans reach a new level in Persephone’s Children as the Lyostians prepare for their next genetic leap in evolution.
Deliberately designed to attract the women they need to move forward, Dr. Grant Gates and his brothers operate Gateways, an enticing health clinic and day spa. As their resident assassin, Grant has a past he would like to forget, an assignment he cannot reveal, and a forbidden relationship with Caroline, whose love for Grant has enticed her to live in his underground sanctuary. Driven to resurrect his violent past when he learns of his brothers’ schemes to endanger her life, Grant makes his own plans.
Having only his training to defend her and the children he has sworn to protect, Grant vows that the brotherhood will have to kill him first, but a Fire Slayer does not die easily—and a Fire Slayer never dies alone.
A contemporary retelling of the Greek myth of Hades and Persephone, Persephone’s Children is the desperate act of an alien assassin’s search for forgiveness and the woman whose love lies at the heart of his redemption.
BIOGRAPHY Deciding that copyediting other writers’ manuscripts were not enough to satisfy her literary aspirations, PJ decided to do something about it. Purchasing a new laptop because new beginnings require new tools, she began transitioning from copy editor to author. She started by writing essays and short stories, but it wasn’t until she met Grant and his brothers while writing The Fire Slayers that she felt she had a real story to tell. PJ blends science fiction with love, friendship, and betrayal in her latest novel, Finding Persephone.
When she isn’t writing novels about aliens saving the planet, you can find her sitting on the sun deck with her husband, Jim, and their rescue corgi, Nymeria. She will be the one with a book in one hand and a glass of sangria in the other. More of her work can be found at